Friday, March 03, 2006

Walk for Life, San Francisco

Thanks to earthie who posted this link with pictures of the Walk For Life West Coast. It leaves one speechless.

I wanted to go the first year this event took place, but was unable to. My brother-in-law and his wife went, and their experience led me to reconsider, since if we did go we would have to bring the kids. This protest is NOT for children, or the faint-of-heart, or the emotionally unstable pro-lifer, I would say. I would love to be a part of this peaceful (at least on the pro-life side) protest, but that's not where God wants me right now.

However, I will say this, if I were on the fence on the abortion issue, and this march was a decision-making moment for me, I don't think I could objectively say I would ever be pro-choice. The evil present is almost tangible, and if you check out the photo gallery, you will know what I mean.


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