Friday, December 03, 2004

Sara Fox Peterson: An Excellent Resource for NFP Users

For those of you who frequent the website or the Catholic Mom Community message boards, the name Sara Fox Peterson is not new to you. But for those of you who don't and who want support in your Natural Family Planning use (or want to learn more about it), then this woman is for you!

Practicing and learning Natural Family Planning has a lot more to it than merely abandoning contraception and picking up a book on the subject. Some of us have questions about NFP that we don't feel anyone has the answer for. Some of us have not yet begun practicing NFP because of fear or doubts, but would be open to it if those issues were addressed. Peterson's columns at and posts on the Catholic Mom Community message boards address some of the more personal aspects of NFP, and also give creedence to the spiritual sacrifices and struggles associated with it.

Do you find the period of abstinence difficult and frustrating?

Do you and your spouse differ on whether or not to use NFP or contraception?

Do you often wonder why NFP is the only method of family planning the Church allows?

Do any of you experience fear in surrendering yourselves to NFP versus using contaception?

What about medical reasons? Do you wonder if there is ever a reason to use contraception?

These are just a few of the issues Peterson addresses in her columns at I have found her to be so full of information, and so generous in giving it. And she writes about her topics in ways that I can understand, and with many thoughts or perspectives that had not previously occurred to me. She is 100% in-line with Catholic teaching and her information is trustworthy and complete. And best of all, she offers her words with the hand of friendship and love.

Anyone interested in Natural Family Planning or anything related to women's health (for she seems to know a lot about this as well), should check out her columns at, or checkout the NFP forums on the message boards. I know she would be of benefit to others as much as she has been to me.

Check out Sara Fox Peterson's columns at

Natural Family Planning forum on Catholic Mom Community message boards


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