Monday, March 21, 2005

Gone until after Easter....

I've decided to take a break from the internet until after Holy Week. First, I want to focus on the spirit of the week and incorporate more prayer into my days.

But also, I am having the entire family over for Easter, and I am very nervous about getting everything ready. I am making a ham, and the last time I did that I screwed it up. Believe me, if anyone can mess up a ham, it's me. Plus, we have a lot of cleaning to do before the big day.

And third (and this is the one I need MAJOR prayers for), I am potty training my daughter this week. I was going to start next week, but I just so happened to run out of diapers today, so I have begun my efforts early. Please say a prayer for me in this! She is 2 and a half, and every other time I have potty trained (3 other times), it took at least a month. I would really like to be one of those moms who brag "Oh, it only took me two days and she was done!" Please, Lord, Please....

I hope you all have a very blessed and reflective Holy Week, and that your Easter is joyful all around. I offer you all up in prayer, especially those who are suffering in some way this week.

And before I go, watch Veronica Mars on UPN on Tuesday night at 9:00 p.m. for me!


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