Sunday, March 13, 2005

I've never had God speak to me like this before...

Last night between 3:30 and 4:00 a.m. I woke up because I was having a horrible dream. I dreamt that there was a huge black widow in my house and it was set to attack. The black widow was as big as my hand and was flying through the air shooting it's web out to swing across the room. When I looked to see who it was going to attack, it was my 10 year old niece who lives across the country from me. I haven't seen her or talked to her in a long while. Anyways, the black widow jumped out at her and I ran and pushed her out of the way, and grabbed her and started running through the house to get her out of the way, and the black widow kept shooting out at us trying to get her. In the dream I was completely willing to let the spider attack me to save her. I finally got into my room and slammed the door, but the spider was out there waiting for us, and I was so scared because my children were out there, and I wanted to run out and get them but I new the black widow would either get me or get in the room to get my niece.

That's when I woke up and I was so so scared. I couldn't get back to sleep. Then, I really felt that there was someone in my house. I knew it wasn't a physical person, but it felt like it. I felt it was very spiritual and very evil and I was so scared. I woke up my husband and he held me for a bit, and then we prayed a Rosary together.

While I was praying the Rosary, I really felt God showing me what it all meant. My BIL and SIL (my nieces parents) are going through horrible problems in their marriage and as of now they will be getting a divorce. I felt like God was telling me that satan was on the attack, and the attack was on my niece and that I really needed to make an effort to pray for her. He also showed me that the struggles I have been going through during Lent need to also be offered up for my niece.

I also felt God was saying that the presence I felt in the house was indeed there. It wasn't evil but rather from God Himself, and it was intended to scare me so that I would be inspired to pray.

I told this to my husband after we finished the Rosary, meditating on the sorrowful mysteries. During the rosary I did get up and go bless all of my children. My dh went back to sleep, but I couldn't, so I prayed another Rosary, meditating on the Glorious mysteries and then finally fell asleep.

I am not sure whether or not to share this with other members of my family to get a lot of prayer support going for my niece. Please say a prayer for her, and remember her in your Rosaries. Her name is Katie. Please pray for her parents and their marriage, and their conversions. Thanks.


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