Monday, December 12, 2005

Seeing Myself on the Web

I just read about myself on a fellow mom's blog. Unsettling, I should say. Not sure how I feel about it yet.

I belong to an organization and help out with it along with this fellow mom. There has been quite a bit of disagreement and drama within a small group of people over something really minor. This fellow mom, who has a crocheting blog, wrote about the whole drama, of course solely from her point of view, for the world to see. Her full name, location, a hint to the name of the organization, and my initials (along with the initials of other memebrs) are on the blog.

I've read posts about fellow bloggers' happenings in daily life where they share a struggle they may be having with someone. However, being the subject of such a post has unsettled me. I've also read the comments (only 3) to this particular post, and of course all are siding with this fellow mom. They talk about how "mean and nasty" we have been to her and how she shouldn't have to "suffer such abuse". I just shook my head. If only they knew the whole story...

The part that is hard is that I just had a conversation with this fellow mom and tried really hard to work things out with her. I felt at peace with the situation. Another member happened upon this fellow mom's blog (after being referred there for some crochet patterns) and sent me the link. Granted, this post was made back in October, but it freshens up the irritation for me.

Now, you can all read this and offer up some sympathy and some wise words, but wouldn't that be a bit ironic? Afterall, for all you know, I could be the one in the wrong airing my frustrations out for some validation and sympathy that I may not deserve. Maybe this fellow mom has it altogether and I'm the dramatic, self-centered, uncompromising one?

So, for now, my reaction: it is, afterall, her blog and she has the right to write whatever she wants. I'm going to let it go. I'm certainly not going to call her on it, not over something she wrote on her space. That would completely go against certain opinions I have on personal space and time. I certainly don't want to take up the nasty vice of hypocrisy now. I'm just going to try and remember that this post was made a couple of months ago, and she and I supposedly made up two days ago. I am going to try and get this out of my head. Or maybe I should pratice what I preach and pray for this woman and my relationship with her.

Have any of you seen yourself on the web like this before? Your thoughts?


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